The EBU Student Journey has started

34 students from our 6 EBU Alliance Members divided into 6 interdisciplinary groups will have to identify a biomass or industrial by-product and imagine how they could be valorised further (e.g. biofuels, biobased chemicals or materials) in the context of the Bioeconomy.

This challenge will help the students to

  • think within a Circular economy
  • understand and tackle a real-life challenge / opportunity
  • increase their interdisciplinary and intercultural competencies
  • improve their skills in presenting, project- and time management, team working and knowledge transfer

During their journey they will have access to online content from 4 categories:

  • Economic principles
  • Consumption
  • Production
  • Processing

At the end of this first pilot Journey, the groups will meet for a week in Bologna. There they will finalise their project details and present their results. During their time in Bologna, the students will visit Novamont plant, the Caviro Extra plant, the Gruppo Hera Plant and the Bioplanet plant. They will have the opportunity to discuss about relevant Bioeconomy-topics in round tables and will share their diverse regional and disciplinary perspectives.