EBU Bioeconomy foresight online workshop on Monday, 21 June 2021 between 10–16 CEST

UEF EBU-team welcomes all scientists, group leaders and research coordinators within the EBU Alliance who have conducted, know about, or are interested in foresight and other futures studies research in bioeconomy to the “EBU Bioeconomy foresight” online workshop on Mon 21st June 2021. The agenda of the workshop is here.

The workshop aims to
i) connect futures researchers within EBU;
ii) co-construct objectives, a draft and division of finalization work towards an “EBU bioeconomy
foresight position paper” for the EBU Scientific Forum in September 2021; and
iii) explore opportunities for joint action targeting foresight-related funding applications in a
European scale.

Please register for the workshop by June 15, 2021 at https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/2E70DF9C9AF0FAEB.